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What You Need to Know About Archangels and Astrology

Archangels are very powerful angels that govern a series of lesser angels throughout the realms of existence. Throughout time angels and archangels have been mentioned in a series of religious scriptures. In astrology and tarot, angels govern a range of celestial bodies and their influence is embedded within the esoteric language. The archangels that hold precedence over the zodiac and planets are derived from sources such as Pietro d’Abano’s Heptameron (1250-1316) and Henry Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1531). The Golden Dawn’s teachings is the latest recorded source of angel and astrology studies.

Each archangel holds a connection to planetary aspects, and by knowing how to work with them, you can seek out a solution to the hardships you are experiencing.

For example, if ever you are feeling stuck and unmotivated, you can look to what and where your natal Mars is located in your birth chart. Mars is governed by archangel Zamael, and by knowing the sign you can look to which archangel holds support to the sign

Even in weekly transits or planetary retrogrades you can look to the archangels for energetic support.

How to work with the Archangels and their Energetic Ray

To start, look at which planetary body you wish to boost in its effectiveness in your life. If ever you are feeling out of alignment this is an indicator that one or more planetary bodies are not effectively being used in your life. A simple way to introduce planetary support is to work with the archangels energy rays.

Designate a time to meditate for several minutes, clear the mind and focus on what exactly you wish to receive support. Now for the associated archangel that can provide assistance, envision their energetic ray washing all around you like a shade of sunlight. Visualize its color and breathe it in, while you are doing this, see the desired results you wish to achieve. Continue this practice until you experience the results.

Read along to find out more about archangels and how they can extend planetary support.


Planetary - Archangel Correspondences

Sun - Archangel Michael

Moon - Archangel Gabriel

Mercury - Archangel Raphael

Venus - Archangel Anael

Mars - Archangel Camael

Jupiter - Archangel Sachiel

Saturn - Archangel Cassiel

Uranus - Archangel Raphael

Neptune - Archangel Gabriel

Pluto - Archangel Sandalphon


Archangel Planetary Associations:

Archangel Michael

"One who is as God"

Planetary Rulership: Sun

Day of the week: Sunday

Element: Fire

Energetic Ray: Cobalt Blue

Archangel Michael is the head ruler of the seven archangels, and has the strongest angelic presence when invoked. If ever you feel like you are lost, without purpose and motivation call upon this archangel to assist you in the steps needed to pick up momentum. He is also the archangel who can cut the energetic cords of conflict and unresolved issues in your waking life. When you wish to see swift changes, Archangel Michael will oblige to make this happen. He is often seen around lions and wears robes that are orange colored trimmed with blue. Archangel Michael also is adorned with a sunburst crown and holds a scepter, book, scroll, or a seven-branched candlestick. You can visualize his wings as pastel orange with blue accents.

Archangel Gabriel

"The strong one of God"

Planetary Rulership: Moon, and Neptune

Day of the week: Monday

Element: Water

Energetic Ray: White

Archangel Gabriel was often seen as feminine and holds precedence of women and their ability to create life. This archangel overlooks the unborn in the womb, and can be a support for fertility. She is wonderful to invoke if you are experiencing writer’s block, and/or if you need support with your creative ambition. Gabriel is often seen with a crescent moon crown and in blue robes, holding a crystal orb. In relation to the goddess Selene she too is seen with a white owl and white hare. Her wings can be seen as pastel blue with orange accents.

Archangel Raphael

"The healer of God"

Planetary Rulership: Mercury

Day of the week: Wednesday

Element: Air

Energetic Ray: Emerald Green

Archangel Raphael is appointed to overlook and to continuously heal our planet and those who inhabit it. When the world is healthy and in working order, humanity remains full of vitality. If ever you are feeling a lack of energy and looking for support with your healing journey, Raphael will be of assistance. Raphael is seen as tall, fair, and is enrobed in violet and gold carrying the caduceus of Hermes, the messenger god of the Greek myth. The caduceus is associated with the medical arts. His wings are of pastel yellow with violet feathers.

Archangel Anael

"The grace of God"

Planetary Rulership: Venus

Day of the week: Friday

Element: Earth

Energetic Ray: Pink and Green

Archangel Anael is the chief patron of love and luxury. She holds influence over manifesting your relationships and deepening the bond of existing ones. Look to Anael if ever you wish to seek resolution in your troubles involving love and even self-love. She has a soothing and comforting presence that you cannot help but feel a wave of calm. Anael can be seen as a sensual empress in a chariot drawn by doves or leopards. Surrounded by blooming roses she can be seen in robes of green ornamented in red with a Venus glyph. Her symbols are a mirror, necklace, seashell, a rose, torch, or chalice. Her wings can be visualized as muted green with red feathers.

Archangel Camael

"The severity of God"

Planetary Rulership: Mars

Day of the week: Tuesday

Element: Fire

Energetic Ray: Red-Orange

Archangel Camael is the chief archangel of action leading to swift results. If we feel a lack of energy call upon this archangel to pick up speed. Be sure to be clear about what you wish to achieve through careful calculation. Camael can be seen as a knight in a chariot led by wolves, a hawk, an Amazon, and a red and green dragon. He is adorned in red robes or armor with facets of green holding the mars glyph. His instruments are a sword, spear, shield, or a chain. Camael’s wings can be seen as green and red.

Archangel Sachiel

"Covering of God"

Planetary Rulership: Jupiter

Day of the Week: Thursday

Element: Fire

Energetic Ray: Yellow-Green

Archangel Sachiel presents us the opportunities in every situation we find ourselves in, as he is the eternal optimist. He helps us recall our soul selves and others that we incarnated with. If you are in need to hold a space of compassion and understanding for yourself or others, Sachiel will be able to assist you. He appears as a high priest atop a pyramid, and envisioned in robes that are indigo-violet colored with golden trimming. Sachiel carries a shepherd's staff, lamp, orb, book, or scroll.

Archangel Cassiel

Speed of God

Planetary Rulership: Saturn

Day of the Week: Saturday

Element: Earth

Energetic Ray: Indigo

Archangel Cassiel is solitary in nature and is associated with doctrines, and hardwork. If ever we are losing the ability to persevere through our hardships or goals, call upon Cassiel for energetic discipline. He is happy to oblige for your goal-oriented pursuits. As long as you remain true and authentic in your approach to success, Cassiel will extend that stamina to push through.

He can be seen as a wise sage in a chariot pulled by dragons, with a raven, and a man undergoing different ages simultaneously (youth, maturity, age), like the seasons. His robe is blue-violet with yellow-orange trimming and with wings that are metallic colored.

Archangel Raphael

"Healer of God"

Planetary Rulership: Uranus

Energetic Ray: Emerald Green

Archangel Raphael is appointed to overlook and to continuously heal our planet and those who inhabit it. When the world is healthy and in working order, humanity remains full of vitality. If ever you are feeling a lack of energy and looking for support with your healing journey, Raphael will be of assistance. As this archangel is in relation to the element of air, he can also help you feel energetically lighter through invoking breath work. Breathing in fresh air and exhaling stagnant dense energies from inside of the body will help clear out the mental clutter.

Raphael is seen as tall, fair, and is enrobed in violet and gold carrying the caduceus of Hermes, the messenger god of the Greek myth. The caduceus is associated with the medical arts. His wings are of pastel yellow with violet feathers.

Archangel Gabriel

"The strong one of God"

Planetary Rulership: Moon, and Neptune

Day of the week: Monday

Element: Water

Energetic Ray: White

Archangel Gabriel was often seen as feminine and holds precedence of women and their ability to create life. This archangel overlooks the unborn in the womb, and can be a support for fertility. She is wonderful to invoke if you are experiencing writer’s block, and/or if you need support with your creative ambition. If you wish to start an intuitive development practice, you can invoke Archangel Gabriel to help you with this process. Activities such as automatic writing may be a great place to deepen the connection with your higher self and connection with your angelic guides.

Gabriel is often seen with a crescent moon crown and in blue robes, holding a crystal orb. In relation to the goddess Selene she too is seen with a white owl and white hare. Her wings can be seen as pastel blue with orange accents.

Archangel Sandalphon

"Lord of the extent of height"

Planetary Rulership: Pluto

Energetic Ray: Yellow-Pink

Archangel Sandalphon is the bridge between humanity and their connection to the Divine. Your thoughts, worries, desires, and wishes are received by this archangel and are sent to the ethers of the Universe. She is often associated as the Angel of Music and is felt as a comforting presence and radiates an all-embracing love. Sandalphon is seen as a shepherdess and a matured, beautiful woman who holds grace and power. Dressed in black robes with a white halo of energy around her crown. Her associated symbols are a monolith, lamp, key, and a crown of grape leaves.

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